V'ehalchta Bidrachav

The curricula engages students with authentic Jewish texts that excite learning and the desire to study the subject matter deeply.

The material presents content clearly and attractively, maintaining
a user-friendly style and utilizing state-of-the-art technologies.
Emphasis is placed on:
* Authentic engagement with primary Jewish texts
* Developing learning skills to critically analyze texts and ideas
* Interactive, experiential encounters with Jewish sources and
ideas utilizing TV and movie film clips as educational triggers
Halacha Education Center materials are used as a compulsory
component of Israel’s high school curricula. The Center’s diversified
materials have been customized for Jewish schools in South
America. The Center is now pleased to introduce English language
curricula on V’halachta Bidrachav and Kashrut.
The Halacha Education Center is directed by Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon.
Rav Rimon heads the post-graduate Halacha Kollel at Har Etzion
Yeshiva and writes numerous books and articles on a multitude
of subjects. He established the Center in 2008, with the vision of
bringing a fresh and inspiring approach to Judaic curricula for
Jewish students worldwide and has successfully recruited a team
of young and dynamic educators who share this vision.